
cock-and-bull story

cock-and-bull story


He gave me some cock-and-bull story about having to be at his friend's wedding.


groundless statement

a false tale

a fishy story

a latrine rumor

baseless gossip

clotted nonsense

fantastic talk

tale of a tub

unfounded talk


1. hit the bull's-eye 切中话题;恰到好处;抓住要领

2. like a bull in a china shop 动作笨拙而撞人或打破东西;莽撞

3. take the bull by horns 面对困难毫不害怕

4. cock a snook at someone 目中无人;视而不见

5. go off half-cocked 还没准备好就开枪了,比喻仓促行事;做事考虑不周全;做事不计后果


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